Actualización de Subvenciones de Child Care Deserts para Programas Nuevos y Existentes

RFA1 - Estado de la Aplicación

Muchos programas han preguntado sobre el estado de sus aplicaciónes de Deserts Grant para nuevos programas. Tenga en cuenta que la OCFS está experimentando retrasos en la revisión de las aplicaciónes. Actualmente, no hay un marco de tiempo que detalle cuándo se enviará la notificación de aprobación de la aplicaciónes.

RFA2 - Portal de Aplicaciones

La OCFS está experimentando retrasos en el lanzamiento del portal de aplicaciones para los programas existentes. La nueva fecha de lanzamiento de la aplicación es 18 de julio de 2022.

El Council es consciente de estos retrasos. Esperamos orientación de la OCFS sobre el cronograma y pondremos a disposición las fechas tan pronto como tengamos conocimiento.

Si tiene más preguntas sobre la subvención Deserts, comuníquese con nuestro especialista en desarrollo comercial de cuidado infantil al 914-761-3456:

Jessenia Tejada ext. 161, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Habla Español)

Child Care Deserts Grant Update for New and Existing Programs

RFA1 - Application Status

Many programs have inquired about the application status of their Desert Grant applications for new programs. Please note that OCFS is experiencing delays in reviewing the applications. Currently, there is no timeframe detailing when notification of application approvals will be sent.

RFA2 - Application Portal

OCFS is experiencing delays in launching the application portal for existing programs. The new application launch date is July 18, 2022.

The Council is aware of these delays. We await guidance from OCFS on timeframes and will make the dates available as soon as we are made aware.

If you have any further questions regarding the Deserts Grant, please contact either of our Child Care Business Development Specialists at 914-761-3456:

Jessenia Tejada ext.161 or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Habla Espanol)

Jayselle Trancoso ext.227 or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 





COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 6 Months - 5 Years

COVID-19 Vaccines Informational Session for Families and Providers with Dr. Dial Hewlett, Medical Director, Division of Disease Control Deputy to Commissioner of Health at the Westchester County Department of Health

*Please share this recording with the families in your program*

Click HERE for recording

*Recorded on June 29, 2022 - All information accurate as of that date*

Child Care $ Threatened

Despite all the attention on the importance of child care to children, families and our very recovery from the pandemic, it has been dropped from the Federal Reconciliation Bill discussion. Once part of President Biden's Build Back Better package at $400 billion, child care is now off the table entirely.



Making child care truly affordable for working parents; creating universal PreK; paying the child care workforce a level of compensation that reflects their true value to society - none of that happens if the anticipated Federal child care funding goes away.

If child care is not a priority in the Reconciliation Bill, we will have learned nothing from the pandemic. And all our pledges to remake our child care system will ring hollow.

Let the President and your elected officials at every level of government know that child care must be a PRIORITY in the Reconciliation Bill.

Just Click Here! to send your letter insisting that child care must be in the Federal Reconciliation Bill.

To see what the expected Federal funding could do for NYS, pdfClick Here!


COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 6 Months - 5 Years

COVID-19 Vaccines Informational Session for Families and Providers with

Dr. Dial Hewlett, Medical Director, Division of Disease Control Deputy to Commissioner of Health at the Westchester County Department of Health

Wednesday, June 29th, 2022 from 1pm-2pm

Submit questions in advance to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

*Please share this link with the families in your program*

Click HERE to register for the Zoom Informational Session. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with the link to join the meeting.

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Contact Us

Child Care Council of Westchester, Inc.

313 Central Park Avenue
Scarsdale, New York 10583

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Child Care Specialists extended hours are available on Tuesdays until 7pm to help you make an informed decision about child care.

Phone: (914) 761-3456
Toll-Free: 1 (844) 387-7525

Fax: (914) 761-1957

Email us

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